Same sex law in the past several years has gone through an influx of changes in California: from legalization of marriage, to the banning same sex marriage, to the re-legalization of same sex marriage. Through this roller coaster of law adoption law in California has stood relatively stationary amid the fight for equality.
Fortunately, this is likely a positive outcome: since same sex couples are now afforded the same rights to marriage, on both state and federal level, gay and lesiban couples are free to use the adoption procedures that were created specifically for married individuals on both a federal and state level.
For example, one method of adoption: the step-parent adoption allows an individual to adopt his or her spouses biological child. Previously, gay and lesbian couples would have to undertake the adoption procedure as a stepparent of a registered domestic partnership. While this created no problems on the state level it could create problems with the federal government, as, the vehicle by which the adoption occurred is not federally recognized. Now, however, since LGBT couples are free to wed, they may take advantage of vehicles like the stepparent adoption with greater confidence that the legal decree of adoption will be upheld and recognized by any U.S. jurisdiction.
Same sex law in California is constantly evolving. The attorneys of Jones & Devoy have made it a point to stay updated on the changes as they occur so you can remain confident that your rights are protected.